Author: Arunangshu Das

Hi, I am a software developer, writing blogs & chilling in life.

Over the past few years, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has taken industries worldwide by storm. NLP is more important than ever before as it teaches machines to comprehend, interpret, and respond to human languages which in turn are transforming businesses globally by revolutionizing customer experiences and triggering innovation.  Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing. This is a subfield of artificial intelligence and deals with the automated conversion of human language text into number representations that can be interpreted by computers. It aims to make computers capable of understanding, processing, and generating human language in the spoken or written form. Where…

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How Deep Learning is Transforming Image Processing Deep learning is a concept in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning based of neural networks with multiple layers. They are designed to work in the same way as a human brain would, which allows the layers within these networks of neuron nodes that process inputs and results to absorb large volumes of data and act upon it as we do.  Essential Concepts in Deep Learning for Image Processing CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks) Most deep learning applications in image processing are based on CNNs These layers are carefully designed to use filters for image-feature…

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