The Evolution of LeNet-5 Architecture: A Pioneer in Convolutional Networks

Lenet-5 Architecture

Introduction Deep learning has witnessed significant advancements over the decades, and LeNet-5 stands out as a foundational milestone. Developed by Yann LeCun and his collaborators in 1998, LeNet-5 was a revolutionary convolutional neural network (CNN) that demonstrated the power of convolutional architectures for tasks like handwritten digit recognition. Its contributions to the field of deep … Read more

Comparing VGG and LeNet-5 Architectures: Key Differences and Use Cases in Deep Learnings


Comparing VGG and LeNet-5 Architectures: Huge importance to solving complex problems such as image recognition, object detection, and many more are held by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the modern fast-developing directions of deep learning. From a vast family of CNN structures, LeNet-5 and VGG can be considered the most enshrine examples. All these differences … Read more